97764 2750 619955677 info@farmacia-sant-jordi.es
Dl a Dv de 9h a 13:30h i 16:30h a 20:30h · Ds 9h a 13:30h i 17h a 21h ·
Juliol/Agost Dl a Ds de 9h a 13:30h i 17:00h a 21:00h ·
Pharmacy Sant Jordi
Our priority is you
Discover the ideal facial treatment according to your skin type by means of our dermascope.
Recover your ideal weight with the assistance of our nutritionist. This service is at your disposal on Mondays by appointment only.
From a petite blood sample, we will transmit to you your approximative cholesterol, glucose, and triglycerides levels.
It discovers with this service its possible food intolerances from a bioelectroresonance test
Write to us and purchase your order without having to queue!
Send us all your questions, and we will putin touch with you to answer them. Talk?